Friday, December 5, 2008

His name is

If you'd like a nickname, we think Cas would be good. Chris says he may call him "Boo Boy" but I don't think that will ever really happen. We had picked this out many years ago, before we even started trying, well Chris did actually. This has always been our choice for a boy name and we are so happy that we finally get to use it! The only reason I hadn't provided the name previously is that we still do not have a middle name picked out. I think something outdoorsy would be good but we haven't found just the right thing. We are open to suggestions so feel free to chime in.


Ben and Mary Sargeant said...


The kids and I like Orion. (the hunter constellation) Casper Orion Thoma. We like it.

Mary, Katelyn, Ashley, isaiah.

Anonymous said...

It is not outdoorsy but Casper Lee is an idea. But I am really into having part of a name being family oriented. Grandma Gander's middle name was Lee and she would be so excited that Chris (and Jenn) are having a baby. We didn't finalize Coltons middle name until we were on the way to the hospital to have him. Nothing like waiting til the last minute, huh! Love Janella

Jenn said...

Please, do the ornament a day! I'd love to see your treasures too!

michelle said...

I like names that sound like last names... like Murphy or Smith. I'm not kidding, but I'm weird.

The thing with nicknames, is that they just happen (sadly). That's how/why my husband (Mark) is Bud and my son (Brady), God love him, is Bomber (what the hell?)