If you'd like a nickname, we think Cas would be good. Chris says he may call him "Boo Boy" but I don't think that will ever really happen. We had picked this out many years ago, before we even started trying, well Chris did actually. This has always been our choice for a boy name and we are so happy that we finally get to use it! The only reason I hadn't provided the name previously is that we still do not have a middle name picked out. I think something outdoorsy would be good but we haven't found just the right thing. We are open to suggestions so feel free to chime in.
The kids and I like Orion. (the hunter constellation) Casper Orion Thoma. We like it.
Mary, Katelyn, Ashley, isaiah.
It is not outdoorsy but Casper Lee is an idea. But I am really into having part of a name being family oriented. Grandma Gander's middle name was Lee and she would be so excited that Chris (and Jenn) are having a baby. We didn't finalize Coltons middle name until we were on the way to the hospital to have him. Nothing like waiting til the last minute, huh! Love Janella
Please, do the ornament a day! I'd love to see your treasures too!
I like names that sound like last names... like Murphy or Smith. I'm not kidding, but I'm weird.
The thing with nicknames, is that they just happen (sadly). That's how/why my husband (Mark) is Bud and my son (Brady), God love him, is Bomber (what the hell?)
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