Sunday, August 22, 2010

Happy Birthday Daddy!

What a great weekend!  We celebrated Daddy's birthday today with a Strawberry cake (his favorite), that Mommy made...if you can believe it.

Saturday night we had friends from church over and had a great time.  There were 15 of us all together - seven was fun to have a house full of running, yelling, laughing kids...for two hours anyway!  Casper was the youngest but played very well and shared his toys like a champ.  We are looking forward to having our friends over once a month.

Casper and I went shopping on Saturday morning and found some great deals.  And I found my new favorite pair of jeans - now to look on line and see how many different colors they make these in.

I hope you all had a great weekend!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Nice post...brought tears to my eyes as I looked at your sweet family and was reminded what a blessing and miracle from God this is!