Friday, October 28, 2011

Lil’ Miss Thing – 31 Weeks

Sadie had another great doctor appointment this week.  She was very active…the ultrasound tech kept asking how I could handle her moving so much.  To me, it was nothing new, she moves all the time.  She did behave this week and turn back around so she was head down.  Here are some pictures…

 Sadie 10-24 (2) Sadie 10-24 (3) 

On the left, this is almost a profile with a little hand in front of her face.  On the right is her profile.

Sadie 10-24 (5)

This is a forward facing face shot.  On the top right you can see her right eye, nose, mouth, and a hand under her chin.

Sadie 10-24 (4)Sadie 10-24 (1)

These were fun shots.  The left shows a little bit of hair sticking out, which is good because she already has lots of hair bows.  The right shows her long legs.  On the left is her booty and then her legs stretched out all the way to the right.

She’s so cute!  I can’t wait for her to get here!!

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