Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Sadie Joann – 29 Weeks

Today started my weekly doctor visits.  Since I’m getting up there in age and have gestational diabetes, they will be doing an ultrasound and heart rate test every week for the next 10 weeks.  The benefit is that I get to see Sadie every week.

It was fun seeing her today since it had been 9 weeks since my last ultrasound.  She weighed in at 3 lbs. 9 oz, which is in the 75th percentile.  She has little pouty lips, a little turned up nose, and long legs.  Her heartbeat was great and she did some breathing on her own which is good.  She’s already head down and was sleeping during our visit.  She looked tangled up like a pretzel so it was hard to get good pictures.

Here is her profile – head on the right with a little hand by her face and a foot sticking up on the left.  Sadie 10-11 (1) Here are some face shots.

Sadie 10-11 (3)Sadie 10-11 (4) 

We had some extra time in the ultrasound room so we did have the technician double check to make sure Sadie was still a girl and it was pretty obvious that she was.  We also just sat and watched her for a little bit.  She was moving her mouth and it looked like she was talking to us.  She also opened and closed her right eye like she was winking.   When Daddy arrived, she heard his voice and started talking again.  I think she’s going to be a sweetie…I just love being able to watch her!!  Only 75 days until my due date!!

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