Despite all of my attempts to the contrary, Sadie was not coming any earlier than Dr. Trammell had planned. We went ahead on Saturday the 17th with my induction. We got to the hospital around 7 am and after getting registered, changed, etc. finally started medicine about 8 am. For a couple of hours we waited for the medicine to start creating contractions, which it did. Unfortunately, my cervix wasn’t cooperating and I was barely effaced or dilated. At about 11 am the doctor broke my water but I was still not dilating, despite the medication creating lots of contractions at pretty regular intervals. I went ahead and got an epidural shortly after that…no need suffering all day :). When I went to the hospital that morning, I had teased with the nurses that I wanted to be done by noon. That was obviously not going to happen. Around 3 pm I heard Dr. Trammell say that it may be sometime between 7pm and midnight before the baby would be born. Well, if you know me, you know that I accepted that information as a challenge…no way was I waiting until after 7 pm to have this baby!! I wanted Casper to meet his sister on her birthday which meant she had to come before his bedtime.
Mommy the night before Sadie’s arrival, and waiting at the hospital for something to happen.
Granny and Poppy did bring Casper to the hospital around 1 pm, since they were in town. Casper just kept asking “Where is her?” and then saying he needed to go home. We sent them home for his nap, knowing nothing was happening anytime soon.
Sometime in the early afternoon, I finally got to 4 cm and 80% effaced…I felt like we were going to be moving along a little quicker after that point. I was right. The next time they checked I was 5 cm and then all of a sudden my next check was 8 cm. Around 5 o’clock we started getting ready for her arrival. The baby still felt way to high but she was also making it known that it was time to start making an appearance. After a couple of attempts, the nurses and doctor suspected that she was not facing the correct direction. At this point Dr. Trammell got involved and gave Sadie a quick little turn of the head during one of my contractions. Once she was facing the right way, it wasn’t much trouble getting her to come the rest of the way. She finally arrived at 6:20pm. A little more difficult of a delivery than with Casper, but still pretty mild overall. We were so excited to see her!
Dr. Trammell welcoming Sadie to the world, notice the knot in her umbilical cord. Sadie was bigger than we expected at 8 lbs 4 oz…a full pound bigger than Casper was. She was also a little longer at 21.5 inches.
Meeting Baby Sister. When Granny and Poppy first brought Casper in, he just kept saying “oh, wow”, I think he was excited but a little overwhelmed with the machines and nurses and everything else that was going on. He didn’t want to stay and visit long, and it was getting close to his bedtime. He did give her several kisses!
Grandma and Grandpa Troost with the new Thoma family of four. Grandma and Grandpa Thoma with Casper and Sadie.
Sweet Sadie! Daddy’s ladies…daddy even taught Casper to say “Hi Ladies” when he walked in the room to visit us!
Happy Birthday Sadie Joann Thoma!
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