Saturday, June 30, 2012

The new house…

After Chris and Casper moved into the new house with us, we started redecorating the Master Bedroom.  We decided it should be the first room so that Chris and I would have a sanctuary to retreat to.  Besides, we anticipated getting a lot more redecorating done in the two weeks before Chris started school.  Unfortunately, everything took longer than we intended and Chris severely sprained his ankle.  So, Casper’s room is still hot pink, but he doesn’t seem to mind.  Chris will have a break in September, maybe we can get more painting done then.  In the meantime, here are some before and after pictures of the bedroom…

Before (in case you can’t tell, it was painted green) -

Master Before (2)Master Before (3)Master Before (4)

After (again, it’s green but a totally different color) -

Master After (5)Master After (1)Master After (4)

We painted all of the walls, all of the trim and doors, changed out all of the door handles & hinges, and changed the ceiling fan.  It’s definitely improved, and is the only room that really feels like home right now.

While we were working on this room, we were sleeping in the dining room…look how cute my snuggly family is!

Snuggle (1)Snuggle (2)

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