Sunday, September 12, 2010

Missouri River Valley Steam Engine Show

Since we live just around the corner, it’s hard to miss when the Steam Engine Show is in action.  The sounds of steam horns, tractors and other farm noises can be heard resonating through the valley.  Since Casper loves tractors and I heard the were selling smelled the funnel cakes, we decided it was worth a visit.  Besides, since we’re the groupies of Poppy’s band, we had to make an appearance.

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We had to ride behind a tractor just to get there from our parking space, it may have been easier to walk from home!

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Grandma and Grandpa Thoma were there having lunch while they listened to Poppy sing.

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We saw goats, mules, and horses…

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We rode the train, and watched part of the parade while we ate a funnel cake.  Then we headed home for a nap!

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