Sunday, January 18, 2009

26 Weeks..

As usual, my post is late again. I have some really good excuses this time...major internet problems and a trip to Mexico! But I am back and have worked around my internet problems even though they are not completely fixed.

So here it is, the big reveal...

As you may notice from the photo, I have decided to add some murals to Casper's room. This is the first section that I completed...isn't it cute??? When it's all done, there will be two 6' tall pine trees, a wall have prairie grass, three black bears, three raccoons, one turtle, one bunny, one owl, two baby deer, a chipmunk, a squirrel, and some other grasses and flowers. I can't wait! I hope to have it done by time the baby arrives, this section took much longer than I anticipated but practice makes perfect, right!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

So cute! I bet the baby is moving across your stomach like crazy! I love watching your baby ticker go down...12 weeks and 5 days to go, yea!